How to create successful email marketing campaigns.

Clay Heblek
4 min readAug 13, 2021

Email marketing is one of the oldest strategies in the book. But people still use it for one reason: it works.

Whether you use MailChimp, Constant Contact, Klaviyo, or any of the hundreds of other email tools, certain strategies hold true for each. Let’s go over some of the best ways to ensure your emails convert recipients into clients.

Email Marketing graphics for sale, how to write an email marketing campaign

The meat

First off, ask yourself, “why am I emailing this person?” Are you sending an offer? A discount? A free trial? An email needs a purpose; a reason to be sent. Once you have that, it’s time to dress it up.

Email structure

The structure of your email greatly affects how the recipient will react. your emails don’t need to be incredible works of visual art, nor do they need to engage in some Stephen King-level storytelling. What you do need is to:

  1. Grab attention
  2. Establish credibility
  3. Make an irresistible offer
  4. Have a call to action
  5. Give an out
  6. Show gratitude

These 6 things don’t need to be in every email, but they should definitely be included in your welcome email drip campaign.

Trading shoes

Hit a block when trying to think of a good email flow? Put yourself in the shoes of the email recipient. What are the 4–5 things someone needs to know to buy your product? Make an email about each of them. Send them all within the first seven days of signup. The fewer days in between emails, the more likely recipients are to remember the previous email they received from you.

Mix up the timing

If you send all of your campaigns during the week, change it up and send some on the weekend, say once a month. This irregularity might be exactly what your emails need to stand out. Plus, people tend to be more relaxed and have more time on the weekends.

As a general rule, some recipients are more likely to open their emails at different times of day, so it’s important that you send an email at different times as well. For instance, 9 AM is one of the most popular times emails are sent, so in order to stand out, choose a later time (maybe even in the afternoon).

Don’t sell a product, sell a solution

It’s an old adage, but it rings true in email marketing especially. In most cases, you haven’t personally met the people on your email list. Your goal is to push the value proposition of the product you’re selling, not just the product itself. If you are selling burgers, show why yours is amazing. Sell the taste, the experience, or the feeling in the moment. Recipients need to somehow make a connection before making a decision.

Don’t get bogged down with style

Sometimes people pay more attention to “plain text” emails since it feels like coming from a friend and looks more personal. While beautifully designed templates look great, in some cases, recipients will immediately recognize it as a sales pitch and send that gorgeous email right to the trash bin.

Segment your lists

Some email marketing platforms already do this for you. If not, you may have to do some digging. The idea behind segmenting contacts is that you’re grouping recipients by their behavior, not by their industry, age, location, etc. This will likely increase your clicks, conversions, and sales.

It can be discouraging to see certain recipients consistently ignore your messages, but this happens in every single email marketing campaign. While it’s tempting to send these people more emails than usual, you’re far better off sending emails to openers/clickers. Consistent openers are your best bet for future conversions.

Mock Email — Short & Sweet

Grab attention

  • Want to lower your monthly costs? 👇
  • We’re offering you 20% off x product! 💸
  • Take 15% off when you spend __________.
  • ⚠ A special offer, just for you.

Establish Credibility

  • Hi __________, my name is ____________ from ____________. (establish brand recognition, link to your profiles)

What’s in it for them?

  • Enter your offer, and state the benefits of choosing you specifically.

Call to action

  • (In general, you’re going to want to put these on or above your buttons.)
  • Bundle and Save Today!
  • Here’s $20 on us!
  • I want to save 10%!
  • Take me to the savings!

Give an out

  • If you like your current ________, we fully understand! If anything changes, we will always be here to help with _____________!
  • Not interested in savings? No problem! We’ll send you a better offer next time!

Show gratitude

  • Thank you for __________! All the best, _______.

I hope these tips will help you create better emails and campaigns. If you’d like to share your results, feel free to reach out to me on Medium:



Clay Heblek

I’m a graphic designer and marketing manager for a craft brewery in Orange County, CA.